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Google brings Contacts app to Android users

If you’re using a Nexus or Pixel device, this Contacts app has been in your possession. Now, other Android users will gain access to the app, too. If you’re the type who wants great, consistent design, you might want to check out Google’s contact management option. The app is now available on Google Play Store for users who run Android 5.0 Lollipop and up.

As you’d expect with an app that manages your contacts, it’ll load your contacts saved on you Google account and let you edit entries and sync these right back. It even lets multiple account syncing, which some users might appreciate. Contacts will also let you start new calls or type out SMS messages right from a specific contact’s page. If you still do this, you can import contacts saved to a SIM card. And it can sort your list based on first name or last name. The app will also let you manage blocked numbers.

Source: Android Central

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