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Apple updates App Store logo and makes other cosmetic changes to iOS 11 update

The developer beta version of iOS 11 brings some cosmetic updates to Apple’s mobile platform. One of those that caught our attention is the new App Store logo, which Apple hasn’t changed in years. They’re putting away the paintbrush/pencil/ruler trio and replacing these with popsicle sticks. We’re not sure why they opted to replace the previous items with the sticks. Aside from the App Store’s new logo, Maps and Clock apps seem to get newer, more subtle redesigns, too. Apple has also introduced some bug fixes and performance upgrades.

The company took out a few things, too. Some live wallpapers are no longer pre-loaded and auto brightness option is now seen under the accessibility part of the settings. You should be seeing these changes now if you’re part of the developer program. But if you’re willing to wait for the public beta, you should see that pretty soon.

Source: The Next Web

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