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Patent shows new details about Facebook’s AR glasses

If you’re wondering what Facebook is doing in the augmented reality space, a newly published patent shows us the possibilities. The device is described as something that can “augment views of a physical, real-world environment with computer-generated elements" and "be included in an eye-wear comprising a frame and a display assembly that presents media to a user's eyes." It has what’s called a waveguide display with a two-dimensional scanner being developed by Facebook's virtual reality arm Oculus VR. The display could be used not just for AR but for virtual reality, mixed reality, or a combination of those three.

The display will make use of lasers, scanning mirrors, and other elements to display content. According to the patent filing, the lasers will emit light onto the lens displays and transform these into the images and videos you’ll be able to see. There might also be audio courtesy of connected speakers or headphones. While the patent might be here, this doesn’t necessarily mean we’re getting the device soon. As Mashable points out, Oculus’ chief scientist Michael Abrash spoke at F8 saying that always-on AR glasses are at least five years away. For now, we can just think about the possibilities.

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