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Is there a ‘Star Wars’ Obi-Wan Kenobi movie in our future?

It’s not exactly a new rumour, but with the untitled Han Solo film now in its final stages, it seems the fixation is moving towards the other possible standalone movies from the Star Wars universe. And the rumour mill this time is saying a solo Obi-Wan Kenobi movie might be in the works, or at least in its very early stages. The Hollywood Reporter claims Oscar-nominated director Stephen Daldry might be taking the helm for this project. The director behind Billy Elliot and The Hours is reportedly in early talks with Lucasfilm to have him oversee the development and writing of the film.

Lucasfilm has been planning to release more standalone films and it isn’t an unusual thought that we’d get an Obi-Wan film, especially with Alec Guinness even getting an Oscar nomination for taking on the role in the original trilogy. Ewan McGregor took on the role in the prequels. But if they want to take a look at a younger Obi-Wan, he might not be able to reprise the role. We’d just have to wait and see. The wait might be a while, though.

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