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Bill Gates now uses an Android smartphone


If we didn't need any more proof that Windows Phone is truly dead as a doornail, let's just let it sink in that Microsoft Founder Bill Gates admitted to using an Android device as his primary smartphone. 

While Gates did not disclose exactly which Android he's rocking, many speculate that it is a special edition Samsung Galaxy S8 sold in the Microsoft Store that features Microsoft Apps and services front and centre.

Gates, who famously banned all iPhones and iPods from his family home, refuses to go the iPhone path (even as Microsoft employees, who are given the choice on what to BYOD, often sport Apple iPhones). Seems iike Gates' general dislike of Apple products (out of competitive principle, perhaps) has remained steadfast up to the present.

Microsoft's Phone strategy has been dead for years. CEO Satya Nadella wasn't on board with the Nokia acquisition his predecessor Steve Ballmer championed. The next steps (or missteps) involved flooding the market with cheap phones as well as holding back on true flagship devices that business users and fans were clamouring for. Microsoft has pulled support for Windows Phone 8 devices and developers have deserted the platform. There's talk of a future unicorn product called the Surface Phone (or project andromeda), but this remains elusive.


Source: CNBC

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