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Facebook will soon autoplay video ads in Messenger

Facebook has admitted in the past that it no longer has room in its main app for ads. What’s their solution? Putting it in its other apps like Messenger and Marketplace. You may or may not have already noticed ads on Messenger and tried to ignore them. But now you might no longer be able to with Facebook’s plans to rollout autoplaying video ads to integrate alongside your messages.

When asked if users might find this obnoxious, Stefanos Loukakos, who run’s Messenger’s ad business, acknowledges this possibility and said they’re monitoring user behavior to see if these ads will turn people off. He said that when they started integrating basic ads to the service, it “didn’t show any changes with how people used the platform or how many messages they send.” He adds, “Video might be different, but we don’t believe so.” Facebook will start testing this with some of its users starting Monday. Let us know what you think if this hits your inbox.

Source: Recode

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