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CALM meditation app helps FIFA World Cup soccer fans de-stress during game time

The world's most popular meditation app has launched a series of quick guided calming moments designed for FIFA World Cup fans. CALM.com 's "World Cup Collection" was created to help fans who stress over the ups and downs of their favourite teams while in play. 

Three separate meditations of different lengths are offered:

A short, three-minute breathing mediation called a "Penalty Shoot-Out Breather" offers fans a break in between anxious moments at the end of extra-time and the start of the penalty shoot-out, that typically lasts four minutes. 

A longer 10 minute meditation is available for fans to use to help calm their nerves during either most or all of the penalty shoot-out itself. 

A broader meditation in the format of Calm's normal "Daily Calm", which focuses on the same theme but makes it relevant to other Calm users facing moments of acute anxiety. 

Find them at calm.com

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