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CES 2019: Hyundai’s concept car is made for walking

And that’s just what it will do, if Hyundai does make this concept into a reality (at the moment it’s just been done at 1/8th of its scale), that is. Hyundai’s Elevate concept fits right into our image of living on Mars, a Boston Dynamics-like robot that can drive and walk you with its bendable legs. What a strange concept. But Hyundai’s idea is that it can be used to navigate difficult terrain, which could help everyone out from first responders to the military. Space exploration is something the automaker is also considering. The Hyundai Elvate is called an “Ultimate Mobility Vehicle.” Hyundai plans for it to be electric-powered and modular so vehicle bodies can be swapped depending on user’s requirements. As you see in the video above, it has for “legs” with each of these having a series of joints, allowing the vehicle to mimic both reptilian and mammalian walking gaits. It’s a strange, slightly creepy concept we’re still dying to see actually happen.

Source: The Verge

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