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Latest 'Shazam' trailer sets us up for a lighthearted hero movie

It's hard to top Aquaman in terms of superhero movies but from what we can see from the "Shazam" trailer, we might be getting one of the most enjoyable and original superhero movies yet. Shot mostly in Toronto, 'Shazam' focuses on Billy Batson, a young boy who is given the magical powers of ancient gods. The trailer shows Batson's baby steps towards becoming a hero with his friends's help. If you liked Spider-Man: Homecoming, Shazam  seems to promise the same light-hearted entertainment. Shazam is played by Zachary Levy, whose work in Chuck was a cult favourite. 

One of the oldest superheros, Shazam's powers are quite epic and put him in the league of Superman and Wonder Woman. I'm interested to see how Shazam ties into the whole DC Universe and Justice League. 

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