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Nintendo brings virtual reality to the Switch via Labo VR kit

Nintendo has created a makeshift virtual reality kit for the Nintendo Switch using its Labo line of DIY cardboard accessories. As with other Labo sets, you have a few options to choose from. The main kit retails for US$79.99 (around CA$110) and has six cardboard kits you can build: VR goggles, blaster, camera, screen holder, “safety cap,” and an elephant. The basic kit costs less at $39.99 (around $55) but this just comes with goggles and the blaster. You can buy extra accessories (like the elephant) in $20 sets. The kit comes with Labo software, which has games, step-by-step instructions on building these kits, and “garage” mode for when you want to build your own Labo accessories. These new VR kits will be available starting April 12th.

Source: The Verge

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