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The CW's 'Arrow' to conclude in 2020 after a shortened 10-episode run

All things must come to an end and the CW's 'Arrow', s show that kicked off various Arrowverse spin-offs bringing DC's heroes to the small screen (with The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl and others stemming from Arrow).

Arrow/ Oliver Queen actor and proud Torontonian Stephen Amell announced yesterday that Arrow is ending its run next year in a shortened 10-episode arc. While Arrow has been one of the most solid shows, and had a rolling start (first three seasons were aces), the show and its villains are starting to feel formulaic and stale. Amell also wants to pursue other businesses and ventures out of Vancouver so it makes sense to end Arrow on a high note.

The death or at least dissapearance of the Emerald Archer has been an underlying theme this season with time-skips showing a world without Green Arrow. There's also a Crisis of Infinite Earths crossover which is likely where heroes are sacrificed. In the comics, the Flash and Supergirl die to save the world, this time around it might be Arrow's turn to sacrifice himself. The CW isn't resting on Arrow's laurels.

There's a Batwoman series in the works. Seeing Arrow and Gotham end at about the same time feels bittersweet for fans of TV superheroes.

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