Audi's new digital OLED lights can display warnings to drivers
Audi's newest digital OLED lights might change how automakers use headlights and taillights in their vehicles. At the very least, it might change Audi's lineup. With digital OLED, the German automaker can customize its lighting designs. The varied lighting designs are possible by "dividing the OLED light sources into a much greater number of individually energized segments." We get over 50 segments that can be activated as needed with their brightness continuously adjusted. In comparison, the current OLED lights only have four segments.
This technology would allow their lights to display everything from signals, symbols, and even messages instead of merely acting as brake lights or turn signals. Symbols can be used to warn other drivers and road users about upcoming hazards. The warnings are available in multiple forms like angled and horizontal lines as well as triangle-shaped warning signs. With these digital OLED lights at 1mm thick, they're the "perfect technology for executing a highly precise and versatile form of customizable lighting design." Audi hasn't specified which one of their vehicles will get digital OLED lights first. But expect it soon as the company plans to showcase it next month at the International Symposium on Automotive Lighting.
Source: Auto Industriya
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