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Google makes Working Hours feature in Calendar more prominent for G Suite users

One of the things Google improves is its Digital Wellbeing features. The company encourages "work-life balance," and one way they want to help out users is when it comes to telling others about their availability. The Working Hours feature is now more prominent. G Suite users will have this feature turned on by default. You can set your work times, but when this feature is enabled, Google will estimate your working hours based on previous appointments. Similarly, when you schedule a meeting in the app, Google will take note of the working hours of other invitees. 

The aim is also to help reduce the back and forth when trying to schedule meetings. If you plan a meeting outside of someone's Working Hours, you will receive a notification that "Some people might decline." Elsewhere, you'll see a purple briefcase icon that features a strikethrough and notes "Outside working hours" beside the invitees' name. All G Suite users will start getting this feature, and it'll be fully available later this month.

Source: 9to5Google

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