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Watch VW's mobile EV charging robot in action

It reminds us of R2-D2, but this robot won't accompany you on inter galaxy adventures. Instead, it tops up your electric vehicle's batteries. VW shares a teaser video of its prototype EV charging robot and how it'll do its work. The robot looks cute with its face that lights up when it grabs the battery trailer and plugs it into your car.

The robot will work autonomously and start its work either through an app or communication with the car itself. You don't have to instruct it on what to do. It'll leave the battery trailer as it charges and then moves on to other vehicles to charge. While VW has its EVs like the ID.4 in mind, it should work with other electric cars.

VW hasn't said when the charging robot would be rolled out, but it plans to debut flexible charging stations in early 2021. These robots will be useful in parking garages where dedicated EV charging spaces aren't available, so we hope it gets a wide release.

Source: Engadget

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