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Google won't let users control OnHub routers at the end of 2022

Source: Google

Google doesn't want to give OnHub router owners a way to control their devices past December 19, 2022. The company won't let users change settings on the device past that date. It can still offer a Wi-Fi signal, but there won't be any troubleshooting beyond that. 

The OnHub routers were built by Google (with help from brands like TP-Link and ASUS) to look like stylish little devices you can easily place in your home. It allowed you to improve the Wi-Fi connection without the gadget sticking out like a sore thumb. But now, Google wants you to migrate to its Nest Wifi system. It's even offering a 40 percent discount off the total price to OnHub owners who wish to make the switch.

Source: The Verge

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