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DuckDuckGo is working on a privacy-focused web browser

Source: DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo has now set its sights on developing a privacy-focused desktop browser. This new plan is part of the company's efforts to create a "privacy super app." It will be similar to the DuckDuckGo mobile app on iOS, and it's already under private testing for macOS.

CEO Gabriel Weinberg wrote in a blog post that the app is designed to forgo "complicated settings" and "misleading warnings." Instead, it will offer "robust privacy protection that works by default, across search, browsing, email, and more."

The app won't be forking Chromium. Instead, it will be a browser based around OS-provided rendering engines. That will allow it to run faster and cleaner.

While DuckDuckGo is testing the macOS version, the company reportedly plans to release a Windows version. It didn't specify a release date yet, though. But hopefully, it comes out sooner.

Source: 9to5Mac + The Verge

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