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Microsoft to adopt four-week release cycle for Edge updates

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Microsoft plans to adopt a four-week release cycle for its browser's stable builds, following Google Chrome's footsteps. The company plans to start this new schedule with Edge 94, which is expected to arrive in September. 

Google announced plans to follow a four-week cycle earlier this month, with the launch of Chrome 94 coming in the third quarter of 2021. The aim is to release new features faster. Since both browsers are based on Chromium, it makes sense for Microsoft to follow the same schedule.

For its enterprise customers that need more time to update, Microsoft will offer an Extended Stable option, where the company will roll out Edge updates every eight weeks. But they also have the choice to get bi-weekly security updates. Google's enterprise clients will get something similar, too.

With this news, Chrome and Edge will now be in line with Firefox, which adopted this release cycle in early 2020.

Source: Engadget

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