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Nathan Pyle's 'Strange Planet' webcomic to get an Apple TV+ animated series

Nathan Pyle's Strange Planet webcomic and graphic novels are becoming an animated series on Apple TV+. The company has decided to adapt the webcomic into a 10-episode series, with Community and Rick and Morty creator Dan Harmon on board to help with the show. Its creator Pyle will serve as an executive producer on the project. Apple Studios will produce the series along with ShadowMachine, the animation studio behind Netflix's BoJack Horseman.

Strange Planet will be the second adult animated show Apple has announced. However, there is no release date yet. The comic began in 2019, and it follows a group of blue aliens that comment on human life in a strange, almost Thor-like dialogue. You can check out the comics over here.

Source: Engadget

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