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Nintendo to shut down 'Dr. Mario World' mobile game on Nov. 1

Nintendo's Dr. Mario World mobile game will cease to exist after October 31, 2021. The company has announced it's shutting the game down then, with the sale of the in-game currency, diamonds, halting tomorrow, July 29.

Like the original NES game, Dr. Mario World is a Tetris-like game that allows you to use pills to zap viruses of the same colour. The movements were upward, so it's more natural to flick things on a mobile screen. The game even had a multiplayer mode. 

Nintendo partnered with Japan's mobile messaging app Line to create the game. For those who love the Dr. Mario World, Nintendo will keep a web page called "Dr. Mario World Memories," where players can look back on their history once the service ends. 

Source: Engadget

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