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TikTok Canada launches creator class to learn best practices and grow their platform

Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

TikTok wants to help Canadian creators learn how to use its platform best. It recently announced the #Tiktokcreatorclass educational program that will offer new content strategies and information on best practices and how to grow their platform right from TikTok Canada's team. The program is open to all Canadian creators, and you can sign up here to save your spot.

The classes will start on February 7 on topics that include:

  • Uncovering your story potential
  • Building a community through content creation
  • Monetizing your content
  • Wellness and taking care of yourself

These sessions will be led by Canadian creators Spencer West (@Spencer2theWest), Tiffy Chen (@Tiffycooks), Taiwo Aladejebi (@DefinitelyTai), and Torri Webster (@TorriWebster).

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