'Bayonetta 3' will let you 'put on more clothes' on your character

Source: Platinum Games
Platinum Games has been saying that the new installment in the Bayonetta series will feature a title character that's "sexier than ever." But if that doesn't appeal to you or you want to play it where other people will see. You can cover up some of the partial nudity in Bayonetta 3. The game has a "Naive Angel Mode" covering Bayonetta and other characters showing too much skin.
And while Platinum addressed the nudity for more family-friendly gaming, it isn't clear if it also has a limit for the over-the-top "torture attacks." Bayonetta 2 has been described by ESRB as having "exaggerated and intense acts of violence [with] enemies thrown into spinning spiked wheels; characters decapitated by a guillotine; a dragon ripping characters apart [and] large blood-splatter effects and gore can be seen frequently."
It's also unclear if the Naive Angel Mode will limit suggestive poses and taunts seen in the previous game. Bayonetta 3 already has content descriptors for "violence, blood and gore, partial nudity, and strong language." Still, the rating organization didn't add "suggestive themes" identified in the previous Bayonetta titles.
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