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Apple to host secret training for staff on the Vision Pro


Apple is preparing retail staff for the Vision Pro launch in 2024. It invites them to apply for a secret training event in Cupertino early next year. There, they will learn about the product and how to sell it.

The memo says, "Selected team members will travel and participate in an event in Cupertino, California, at some point in the first months of 2024. Upon returning to their home store, they’ll deliver training and ongoing support to store team members." Applicants need to pass an interview and show passion for Apple products.

This means, Apple will train some staff from each US store on the Vision Pro. The memo doesn’t reveal the launch date or the training duration. But it hints that the product may not be ready soon. Apple only says it will arrive in "early" 2024.

The Vision Pro launch will be very complex. Some stores will have special areas to try it. Others will have one or two demo units. Apple will also customize the product for customers in-store, like the Apple Watch. It will add bands, light seals, and optional prescription lenses.


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