'Overwatch 2' Season 8 plagued by performance issues on PS5

Image: Blizzard Entertainment
Overwatch 2’s eighth season launched on Tuesday, but not everyone is having a smooth experience. Many players are experiencing performance issues, especially on PlayStation 5. According to posts on Blizzard’s forums and Reddit, the game is lagging even on the menus.
One player, Sartell, wrote: “I play on PS5 with 120 Hz monitor and settings for that output, but randomly either in [fights] or walking back from spawn, even on menus, I am dropping down to what seems like single digit to low double digit frames per second.”
Some players say that Overwatch 2 is currently “unplayable” on PS5, with frame rates dropping below 20 fps. The issue does not seem to affect other platforms as much.
Blizzard is aware of the situation and is looking into it. In the list of known issues, which was updated on Tuesday, they state: “We are investigating reports of performance issues for some platforms.” Engadget has contacted Blizzard to ask when they will fix the problem.
The performance issues are unfortunate, especially because the new tank character Mauga is being reported as fun to play. PS5 players may have to wait for a hotfix before they can enjoy the latest hero properly unless they don’t mind playing the game as a colourful slideshow. Alternatively, they can download the PS4 version of the game for now.
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