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Niantic tests new feature to speed up 'Pokémon Go' Raids

Image: Niantic

Niantic is testing a new feature that will speed up Pokémon Go Raids. The "Ready to Raid" button will let players in London, Osaka City, and Suita City skip the long wait time and start the Raid in 10 seconds. This applies to both in-person and Remote Raids. Niantic shared a gif of the feature on Twitter/X:

"We're testing a 'Ready to Raid' button in the London, Osaka City and Suita City areas. Trainers participating in Raids in these areas will be able to tap a button above their Raid Party to skip to a 10-second Raid countdown. This includes Remote Raids hosted in these areas."

The Ready to Raid button is a welcome improvement for Pokemon Go players who hate wasting time on easy Raids. Five-Star and Mega Raids still need a lot of players, but One and Two-Star Raids can be done quickly. The button won't save much time overall, but it can make the game more enjoyable.

London and Osaka are also hosting Pokémon Go Fest 2023 next weekend, so it's a good opportunity to test the feature there. Hopefully, it will work well and be available to all Pokémon Go players soon!


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