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YouTube rolls out enhanced bitrate option for Premium subscribers on the web

Have you ever wished for better video quality on YouTube? If you are a YouTube Premium subscriber, you are in luck. YouTube has recently brought its enhanced bitrate option to the web. This feature allows you to watch videos in 1080p with less compression and more clarity.

Back in February, we first learned about the Google-owned service’s plans for an enhanced bitrate option, which is exclusively available for YouTube Premium subscribers. YouTube then officially announced the feature’s rollout for iOS in April and promised that it would make it to the web eventually. However, it took until June for YouTube to start testing the feature more widely, including on some Android phones and Android TV setups.

This means that Premium subscribers worldwide should find the new 1080p enhanced bitrate option when adjusting the video quality on your desktop. Interestingly, this option would continue to appear to non-Premium users as well. However, tapping it would prompt users to subscribe to Premium. The option also doesn't seem to be available for all videos right now.


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