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Xbox app gets more touch-friendly for Windows handhelds

Image: Microsoft

Microsoft continues to refine the Xbox app for Windows handheld devices like the ROG Ally. Last year's compact mode offered a UI optimized for smaller screens. Now, they're tackling navigation challenges with a controller or D-pad.

A new "Jump back in" feature in the latest Xbox Insider update lets you quickly launch recently played games. Up to nine games appear on the main screen, and you can directly launch one by pressing the menu button on your controller. It's smart enough to switch to a running game instead of relaunching it. By default, it opens the game hub, showing which of your friends are playing, and achievements.

The friends panel also received a makeover for handheld use. A slide-out friends list with large buttons for joining party chats is now easily accessible from the sidebar.

There's room for improvement, but PC Game Pass subscribers with Windows handhelds get a sneak peek at these early steps towards better controller navigation across the Windows OS.


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