Entries in 10 years (2)


It's been 10 years since the iPhone was launched

It's been ten years since Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone at Macworld 2007. The device, which was famously pitched as, "an iPod, a Phone and an Internet communicator, is credited for defining the smartphone segment as well as its various ecosystems including appl stores, music streaming services as well as the increase in mobile photography on phones. iPhone is now responsible for over 64% of Apple’s revenues and it its most successful product.


The Apple Beat: A Decade of Apple Retail Stores

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

It's hard to believe that the Apple Retail Stores have been around for 10 years. Looking at the video above we see Apple CEO Steve Jobs enthusiastically walking viewers through the first Apple Retail Store in Tysons Corner Center in Virginia. The concept back then was novel and downright risky specially since Apple didn't have anywhere the market share it has today. Let's take a look at what makes Apple Retail tick.

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