Entries in 30th anniversary (3)


Apple's virtual Mac multimedia retrospective focuses on models and innovation

The Mac 30 lovefest continues in grand fashion with Apple's Mac Timeline which hosts a year-by-year retrospective of the big Mac releases, some examples of how they were used by notable leaders in various fields as well as stunning product shots and a "what people did with it" section tied to the Which Mac was Yours website. Grab a warm drink (or a cold one) and slide through time with this remarkable online retrospective.


Reminisce about your first...Mac with Apple's special website

Everybody remembers their first. Mac, that is. Try out Apple's neat wayback machine that allows you to choose your first Mac and write down where and how you used it and what it could do, you'll be rewarded by seeing how long you've been a Mac user. My first Mac was a PowerBook 170 running System 7 and apparently that was 22 years ago. 


Apple celebrates 30 years of Mac with retrospective video


The Macintosh celebrates 30 years today and Apple has put up a video tracing the impact of what this innovative and elegant personal computer had on the world. Offering a 'truly worldwide democratization of creativity," the video raises a glass to Apple, Macs and also Mac users who've led their particular fields and changed the world using this iconic computer.