Entries in icons (2)


Reminisce about your first...Mac with Apple's special website

Everybody remembers their first. Mac, that is. Try out Apple's neat wayback machine that allows you to choose your first Mac and write down where and how you used it and what it could do, you'll be rewarded by seeing how long you've been a Mac user. My first Mac was a PowerBook 170 running System 7 and apparently that was 22 years ago. 


The Apple Beat: iPhone 4 is nearly top 'camera' used on Flickr

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Nikon's D90 DSLR camera is an accomplished and enduring camera that takes stunning stills and can manage pretty awesome HD video. Its no surprise that it is the top camera used on photo sharing website Flickr despite being over three years old. Apple's iPhone 4 (which features a 5 megapixel camera) is slowly creeping up on the top spot and looks ready to dethrone the D90. Not bad for something that's not even a standalone camera but a feature, on a smartphone.

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