Entries in Source Code (2)


Take a look at Apollo 11’s source code on GitHub

This isn’t the first time Apollo 11’s source code has appeared online. Google’s hosted it a few years ago. But to make it easier to look for it, the code is now up on Github. Former NASA intern Chris Garry put up all the Apollo Guidance Computer source code on the site to see how NASA was able to make that mission to the Moon.

It isn’t even all serious business as Reddit users have noticed things like the line 666 of the lunar landing turns up a “numero mysterioso.” Also in the code is a reference to radio DJ Magnificent Montague’s classic “burn, baby, burn.” Having the code up on GitHub will give it access to a whole new audience, which may or may not affect development in the future.

Source: Engadget


The Apple Beat: iPhone 4 is nearly top 'camera' used on Flickr

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Nikon's D90 DSLR camera is an accomplished and enduring camera that takes stunning stills and can manage pretty awesome HD video. Its no surprise that it is the top camera used on photo sharing website Flickr despite being over three years old. Apple's iPhone 4 (which features a 5 megapixel camera) is slowly creeping up on the top spot and looks ready to dethrone the D90. Not bad for something that's not even a standalone camera but a feature, on a smartphone.

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