Entries in Adobe (72)


Adobe takes on hardware with Project Mighty and Napoleon, set to launch in 2014

Adobe has revealed back in May that they were working on hardware to couple their Creative Cloud suite dubbed Project Mighty, an internet-connected stylus, and Project Napoleon, a digital ruler. Now, these concepts are said to be graduating from experiments to full-blown products set to be shipped in the first half of 2014. The products will be made in cooperation with Adonit.

On the software side, Adobe talked about two new products that will complement the hardware. One is Project Parallel, a drafting iPad app, and the other is Project Contour, which is essentially Kuler for shapes. It allows you to take photos of your favorite shape or object on an iPhone and access it with the Napoleon on the iPad to help simplify architectural line sketching, drawing, and ideation.

Source: Adobe


Adobe Introduces new Generator features For Photoshop CC and Edge Reflow  

Adobe today announced Adobe Generator, new technology that fundamentally changes the way people work with Photoshop for web and screen design. Generator is a platform that brings Photoshop to the heart of the design process, enabling greater interoperability between Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Creative Cloud and third party applications.

Also new -- and available today for Creative Cloud members -- is a Photoshop CC feature built using Generator technology, which streamlines web and screen design by delivering image assets in real-time to save users the tasks of extracting, cropping, sizing and exporting. Additionally, new connectivity between Adobe Edge Reflow CC and Photoshop gives users the ability to take Photoshop assets directly into Edge Reflow with just one click. Edge Reflow is a design tool focused on creating responsive web designs.


Adobe makes Photoshop and Lightroom available for $9.99 a month

For a limited time, anyone can subscribe to a version of  Adobe's Creative Cloud that includes Photoshop CC, Lightroom 5, Behance Membership with ProSite and 20GB of cloud storage for $9.99. Announced at Photoshop world in Las Vegas yesterday. Consumers asked and Adobe listened, since a number of users just need Photoshop and maybe Lightroom, why should they pay for all the other stuff. Hit jump for the full details of the deal.

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Android phones most popular devices, Facebook still dominant social network, according to Adobe’s 2013 Mobile Consumer Survey

Adobe just released its annual Mobile Consumer Survey that studies the mobile consumer habits of Canadians and people around the world. Here are some of their findings:

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