Entries in Advert (3)


First Windows 10 advertisement says the future starts now

Microsoft's first advertisement for Windows 10 is a bit unorthodox since it doesn't really show the new OS or what it will offer once it ships on July 29. Instead, we get a narrative of just how transcendent the new technology could be for future users. 


Apple's new 'Verse' iPad ad focuses on the joy of travel

Apple's new addition to its "What will your verse be?" series of ads will appeal to travelers who are shown just how useful an iPad Air can be in enjoying, capturing, and sharing various moments and experiences we encounter in our travels. Featuring travel writer Cherie King, who was born with no hearing in both ears but who can use the iPad Air as an extension of herself. This is a great, inspiring ad that shows just how technology can be put at our disposal.

Apple's new iPhone 5s advert goes behind the scenes of a Burberry shoot

The iPhone 5s was used to shoot a runway show for Burberry and Apple finally released the behind the scenes video in the form of an advertisemenf for the iPhone 5s titled "On the runway with iPhone 5s." Interesting to see how a smartphone can be integrated into this shooting process and all the interesting ways they used the features of the phone (like slo-mo) to give the catwalk scenes more panache.