Entries in AirPort (3)


Google WiFi is the perfect replacement for Apple's discontinued AirPort routers

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple really brought consumer WiFi to the mainstream with its AirPort base station and cards. Great industrial design and solid software integration made AirPort base stations the easiest and most convenient Wi-Fi routers, specially for owners of Mac computers.

Sadly, Apple no longer felt the need to continue evolving and innovating their line of AirPort routers and even the Time Machine backup drive. These products continued to be sold even if many of their features and specs were outdated by industry standards. Now that Apple has finally stopped selling Wi-Fi routers, where are users expected to go.

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US Customs says it can search devices but not data stored in the cloud at border

Ilya Ilyukhin/Unsplash

If you’re entering or exiting the US anytime soon, we have a bit of news for you. Border officials can search your devices with or without probable cause but, according to acting US Customs and Border Protection commissioner Kevin McALeenan, they can’t touch information stored “solely” in the cloud. The quoted word is important here as that means border officials can still look at the information on your phone and check things on your email or social media accounts or even files from your cloud storage apps that are stored on the device itself.

McALeenan revealed these conditions in his reply to Senator Ron Wyden’s letter to Homeland Security about the sudden increase in searches of devices at US’s borders. In February alone, Wyden says, CPB looked through 5,000 devices of travelers, whereas that number was the total for the year 2015. McALeenan says they conduct searches to see if a gadget has things like child pornography or anything that can be considered a threat to the US’s national security. The commissioner has also mentioned that you can refuse to give the password to your personal devices but they also have the right to detain your device and if you aren’t a citizen, then this might mean you get denied entry into the country.

Source: The Verge


The Apple Beat: 5 Technologies Apple pioneered that became tech standards  

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple gets a lot of flack for dropping and discontinuing technologies from their products. They also get criticized for pushing new standards forward, some of these stick and the industry adopts them

They are known as much for their innovations as they are for their exclusions. Here are are some technologies that Apple pioneered which were eventually adopted by the rest of the industry.

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