Entries in Android 8.1 Developer Preview (2)


Final beta version of Android 8.1 unlocks Pixel 2’s hidden imaging chip

While there aren’t that many exciting things released in the final preview build of Android 8.1, it does introduce one interesting feature for Pixel 2 owners: unlocking the Visual Core chip on the new Google devices. This imaging chip has been dormant since the phone was released but it looks like Google is ready to share it with developers. For those who are using the correct API, they can use Google’s HDR+ using the dedicated imaging chip. The processor, which was designed by Google, is meant to speed up photo taking while taking advantage of the clean HDR+ images the camera can produce. And we’re happy that eventually we’ll get more apps who can use this feature. Android 8.1 is expected to be released widely next month.

Source: The Verge


Android tests out new feature that pinpoints apps that impact your battery life heavily

Having the best battery life is something all smartphone users dream of but no matter how careful we are sometimes, it just seems like a pipe dream. Google seems like they want to help out, though. A new feature spotted in the Android 8.1 Developer Preview pinpoints which apps have been draining your battery life without your knowledge. Seen in the battery section of the settings, it shows the app with a red battery icon and specifies how it’s draining the battery. When you tap on the warning, you will get options on how to fix it—such as killing the app or just turning off location data for it. Unfortunately, we aren’t 100 percent guaranteed that Google will bring this over to the final release of the operating system. But this is definitely one feature we wish they’d keep in.

Source: Android Authority