Entries in Android (267)


Glide brings video messaging to Android Wear devices with speakers

Glide, is a video messaging app that is coming to Android Wear today, finally making high-speed wrist communication a reality. Glide’s new app offers live video, voice and photo messaging on the wrist, and is among the first to harness Android Wear’s new speaker support, which Google announced today.

“For decades, television shows and movies like The Jetsons, Dick Tracy, James Bond and Inspector Gadget have promised the arrival of real-time video communication from the wrist,” said Glide CEO Ari Roisman. “Today, Glide is making science fiction a reality by delivering live video messaging to Android Wear.”

Glide users wearing the Huawei Watch or the 49mm ASUS ZenWatch 2 – both of which have built-in speakers – can view and listen to video messages directly on their wrists (Android Wear watches without speakers direct audio to the phone). All Glide users with Android Wear can now watch videos live or later, and send dictated text, emojis, or live voice messages directly from their watches.

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BlackBerry looks to focus on Android handsets for 2016

Updated on Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 10:41AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

After BlackBerry CEO John Chen confirmed that the company would only release two Android powered devices in 2016 behind the perceived success of the BlackBerry PRIV, Damian Tay, BlackBerry’s senior director of product management in Asia Pacific all but confirmed that BB10-powered BlackBerry devices are no longer a priority and are seen as transitory devices. “The future is really Android,” Tay said in an interview with Economic Time India.

“The PRIV device is essentially our transition to Android ecosystem. As we secure Android, over a period of time, we would not have two platforms, and may have only Android as a platform [for smartphones],” Damian Tay said. “But for now, we have BB10 and Android platforms for our smartphones.”


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Video: See how BlackBerry's PRIV gets built

BlackBerry PRIV is possibly the most intriguing Android device in the market right now and has apparently been selling out because people really dig the combination of Android ecosystem and apps as well as security and privacy plus the convenience of a QWERTY keyboard. The video above shows a PRIV being put together and it is interesting to see all the elements and components that make it into this rather slim device.

Source: BlackBerry via YouTube


Fallout Shelter gets update on iOS and Android

A brand new update for Fallout Shelter is available now - and it’s gone to the dogs (and cats). Thanks to our friends at Vault-Tec, tons of new features have been added to improve your underground life, hit jumo for all the new features.

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