Entries in Apple Swift (2)


This iPhone AR tool can be used to make it easier to redesign your space digitally

Source: Russ Maschmeyer

Redecorating a room in your home can be a fun challenge. We emphasize the word challenge, though. But one of the new features Apple introduced to developers last month could help out with digitally planning a space. Yes, you won't need to move any furniture around first. RoomPlan is a new Swift API that uses Apple's ARKit and an iPhone or iPad with a camera and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). The scanner can generate detailed and accurate 3D floor plans, including features like windows and doors. It can even automatically recognize and measure different furniture. And then, it can edit your furniture pieces out of the shot, making it seem like you have an empty room to work with. 

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More than 30 community colleges in the US to offer Apple app development with Swift

Apple says that App Development with Swift curriculum will now be offered in more than 30 community college systems across the Unites States in the 2017-2018 school year, providing opportunities to millions of students to build apps that will prepare them for careers in software development and information technology.

The Austin Community College District (ACC), one of the nation’s largest higher learning institutions, will begin offering the course to its 74,000 students this fall.

Created by engineers and educators at Apple, the full-year App Development with Swift course teaches students how to build apps using Swift, an open source programming language that emphasizes safety, performance and modern software design patterns. The course takes students with no programming experience and enables them to build fully-functional apps of their own design.

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