Entries in ASUS ZenFone 5 (2)


ASUS goes all out with MWC launch, introduces new ZenFone 5 line

Taiwanese tech company ASUS does what it’s been doing in recent years, releasing multiple variants of its smartphone line to cater to specific user needs. This time around the new ZenFone 5 line gets three versions: the ZenFone 5Z, ZenFone 5, and ZenFone 5 Lite.

The first two share its physical characteristics with a 6.2-inch 19:9 LCD displays with 90% percent screen-to-body ratio, which makes it possible to fit all that phone into the body of a standard 5.5-inch phone. But the phones also share a look with another popular device from an even bigger brand in smartphones. Yes, you see it has a notch and ASUS acknowledges somewhat that they’ve taken the design cue from Apple.

“Some people will say it’s copying Apple,” said Marcel Campos, Asus’ global head of marketing, “but we cannot get away from what users want. You have to follow the trends.”

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Expect the ASUS ZenFone 5 to drop in March

With the ASUS ZenFone 4 line barely out of ASUS’s stable, the company is already looking forward to the next generation, as told by its CEO Jerry Shen. The company just officially launched its ZenFone 4 line in Europe and the ZenFone 5 might cut into the time the current generation spends on the market. However, March seems to be the target for the company. Now whether this will make its way here, we can’t say. But with the company expanding to other markets, like it’s doing in Europe, we won’t be surprised if they bring the next generation device here.

Shen says their company has supposedly been gaining momentum with their ZenFone 3 devices in France, Italy, Spain, and Russia, and they expect this to continue with the ZenFone 4. Shen is confident that they could return to profitability in the fourth quarter. Turnover of flagships by tech companies these days have always been at a really fast pace and this is just a reminder of that.

Source: PocketNow