Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explodes in hotel room causing fire damage

Despite issuing a global recall last week, Samsung is still a hot topic because of its defective Galaxy Note 7 flagship. Reports of a Note 7 spontanously exploding in a hotel in Austrialia and causing US $1,400.00 worth of damage.
“My brand new Note7 exploded this morning while I was still asleep, it was plugged in and charging,” he said. “Phone completely fried, I can’t eject the SIM tray to retrieved [sic] my SIM or the SD card. I was using original charger and cable if you are wondering. Charred the hotel room bed sheet and the carpet when I whacked it down to the floor, burnt one of my finger [sic] while doing that too.”
Credit to Samsung, they gave the customer a loaner to replace his charred device and they apparently also covered all the damage done to the hotel room.