Entries in Blackberry 10-N (1)


Are these RIM's new BlackBerry 10 smartphones?

One of the biggest questions that RIM watchers have asked is whether there will be a QWERTY keyboard BB10 smartphone and the answer from RIM has always been yes even if they showed off the new OS on a multi-touch smartphone, the Dev Alpha device.

The image above, a screenshot from a video (Update: Original Vimeo video has been taken down) shows both an multi-touch display BlackBerry and a QWERTY keyboard and a large touchscreen smartphone that's similar to the BlackBerry Bold. There's no telling if this is final hardware but whatever will be released in 2013 will likely look very similar. These devices represent the L Series (full touchscreen) which will come to market first, while the N series the anticipated BlackBerry 10 phone that features a full qwerty keyboard and familiar styling.