Entries in BMW (26)


BMW and Nissan partner to create joint fast-charger network in the US

In a move that threatens Tesla’s own Supercharger network, BMW and Nissan have partnered to develop their own public network of fast-charging stations across the United States. This new DC fast-charging network is made up of 120 stations across 19 states. Each station makes use of dual 50kW DC Fast-charging station with CHAdeMO and CCS (Combo) connectors that can charge Nissan LEAF and BMW i3 vehicles. It promises that you’ll reach 80 percent charge in about 20 to 30 minutes.

But a more important point is it uses popular charger styles, which means any EV with a quick-charge port will be able to use it to charge up. LEAF and i3 drivers will be able to locate these stations using in-vehicle navigation or the i Remote app for BMW or Nissan’s EZ-Charge smartphone app. There is no word yet when the network will be completed.

Source: Mashable


BMW has no plans to sell Alphabet.com domain

While abc.xyz is an innovative domain name for Google’s new parent company, Alphabet, they would’ve probably liked to have had the Alphabet.com domain. It’s too bad that BMW, who currently owns it, has no plans of giving it up. The German carmaker owns a fleet services company with the same name and uses the domain Alphabet.com. A spokesman from the company told The New York Times that Alphabet is a large part of the business so they don’t have plans on selling it. They are looking into whether Google’s Alphabet has infringed their trademark. But they have no legal action planned.

Alphabet though won’t be introducing products under the company’s name so it probably won’t be as big an issue for them to use that domain name.

Source: The New York Times | Via: Mashable


Three German carmakers reportedly in talks to buy Nokia’s Here mapping service

Audi, BMW, and Daimler are reportedly in talks with Nokia to buy the company’s mapping service. The deal is estimated to be worth over US$2.71 billion. A source told The Wall Street Journal that Nokia has been talking exclusively with these three car manufacturers. The agreement could be signed within the next few days.

There is a possibility though that the car companies might invite other brands to buy stakes in this. According to the source, the goal is to make the service an open platform for everyone. So they don’t have to rely on third-party platforms like Garmin and Google. Uber was supposedly in talks to buy Here but they gave up on bidding several weeks back. Another possible outcome of the takeover is it’ll help companies develop self-driving cars.

Source: The Wall Street Journal | Via: Apple Insider


BMW will reportedly replace employees phones with Lumias

Reports have surfaced that BMW has plans to bring Windows Phone to about 57,000 employees. They will reportedly deploy Lumia branded devices to staff and executives. Regular employees are said to be getting Lumia 630, while executives will be given Lumia 930. The deal hasn’t been finalized yet but we should expect to hear more about it soon. Microsoft will obviously be the one benefiting more from this as they try to gain a foothold in the Android- and iOS-dominated mobile phone space.

Source: Pocket Now | Via: Ubergizmo