Entries in Canadian facts and usage (1)


Fun Canadian Facts about BlackBerry

We're a few hours away from the opening keynote here at BlackBerry World 2012  in Orlando and we will soon know what will be revealed. In the meantime, RIM has shared some fun Canadian Facts about BlackBerry.


  • BlackBerry is the #1 smartphone in Canada (as per comScore, MobiLens in December 2011)
  • In Canada, 9 out of 10 BlackBerry subscribers are active users of BBM (BlackBerry Messenger)
  • BlackBerry PlayBook became the no. 1 selling tablet in Future Shop & Best Buy after the launch of OS 2.0 and after it was discounted accross the board.
  • BlackBerry is the leading OS among 13 to 17 year olds in Canada with 40.7% of the smartphone market.
  • BlackBerry is also the leading OS among 18 to 24 year-olds in Canada with almost 34% of the smartphone market.


Don't forget to check the live webcast of RIM CEO Thorsten Heins' Keynote at 9 AM Eastern. Stay tuned for my continued coverage of BlackBerry World 2012 today.