Entries in column (3)


The Apple Beat: What you need to know about Apple Watch

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple’s next revolutionary product is its Apple Watch and while this wearable isn’t slated to come to market until around Spring 2015, here’s everything we know about it.

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Ship now, update later

Most of the devices we buy today run on software that enables features and functionality.  Of course all our computers have it, our smartphones too. Digital cameras, personal media players, GPS  devices, game consoles and even TVs all come with software or firmware that can be updated and revised to enable features and improve our experiences.


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Gone Digital for Good

We recently moved both residence and office and were floored to realize how many CDs, DVDs, video games and books we had amassed in a span of five years. As I desperately heaved and hurdled box upon box of media I came to the realization that I was, finally, good and ready to go digital.

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