Entries in sourcecode (4)


SourceCode: Year of hacks continues with PSN and Microsoft's Xbox Live compromised 

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

After the massive celebrity photo leak, the Sony hack and now this, Internet services and systems suddenly feel less secure and more vulnerable than ever. The industry really needs to work together to change this perception.

2014 looks to be come one of the most infamous years in terms of high-profile hacks. We've had our share of massive outages and with a few days away from the New Year, a group of hackers called Lizard Squad has claimed responsibility for service outages for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One users during Christmas Day. 

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CES Coverage: Pre Show 1 - Big Stories for 2011

Heading into CES 2011, expetations are running high for a number of large tablet computing announcements. Home theatre and streaming video set top boxes are also expected to make waves as are eBook readers and 3D devices.

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RIM's Big Move

Yesterday was a huge day for RIM (Research in Motion). The Canadian smartphone innovator didn't just unveil a new phone, the striking hybrid slider-touchscreen BlackBerry Torch; it also showcased its brand new operating system OS 6.

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Gone Digital for Good

We recently moved both residence and office and were floored to realize how many CDs, DVDs, video games and books we had amassed in a span of five years. As I desperately heaved and hurdled box upon box of media I came to the realization that I was, finally, good and ready to go digital.

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