Entries in Craigslist (2)


Windows 8 tablets start going on sale...on eBay

Microsoft gave 5,000 developer/attendees to last week's BUILD Conference some Windows 8 Tablets which were to serve as developer machines for the upcoming tile-based OS. Well some of these Windows 8 tablets are appearing on eBay and Craigslist and for an exorbitant amount of money. One guy got his device up for 1,900 Euros ( equivalent to CAD $2,577). That's a lot of money for something that is still in very early stages of development, but we won't judge.


iPad, Canada and Opportunism

The iPad has launched and has lived up to the hype for the most part. Canadians have to wait until the end of April before it is made available here but some people can't wait and unscrupulous sellers are trying to sucker them into paying double the price, which is criminal.

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