Entries in ereader (31)


Kindle Voyage eReader now available on Amazon.ca

Amazon's Kindle Voyage is now available in Canada via Amazon.ca for the price of $299.99. Kindle Voyage is super thin—at just 7.6mm—and light—weighing less than 180 grams – making it easy to hold and read on for hours.

With a flush-front bezel for a clean, streamlined design, Kindle Voyage was crafted to come one step closer to a sheet of paper. It features a high-resolution 300 pixel per inch, high contrast, and high brightness display and has an adaptive front light which automatically adjusts the brightness of the display based on surrounding light. Kindle Voyage also features reimagined page turns with PagePress making it easy to turn a page without lifting a finger—simply rest your thumb on the bezel and turn the page by lightly pressing.   For more information check out www.amazon.ca/voyage.

Source: Amazon 


Kobo Glo HD offers highest resolution screen for eReader for $129.99

Kobo announced its latest eReader, the Kobo Glo HD which offers the highest resolution screen available on the market, at the lowest price. It’s a light and ultimately portable way to carry an entire library of up to 3,000 eBooks.

With a 300ppi (pixel per inch) screen that delivers the clearest print-on-paper experience, a suggested retail price, easy registration, and a concierge service, the Kobo Glo HD is a great option for both print booklovers considering eReading and digital enthusiasts alike.

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Review: Kurio Extreme Tablet for Kids 

By Sonya Davidson

As parents, how often do we hear our kids asking for our devices? My husband cringes at the thought of our younger one getting his sticky little hands on any of our devices for fear of dropping them or accidentally deleting apps and what not. I'm sure you've been there. 

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Amazon's Kindle Voyager reinvigorates the eReader market

Amazon's got a new flagship Kindle eReader and it definitely raises the bar for the segment. The Kindle Voyager features a next-Gen Paperwhite display, highest-resolution, highest contrast, new adaptive front light, reimagined page turns, Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi + Free 3G options. Despite being the thinnest Kindle ever, the Voyager has the clearest eInk screen with a 331 pixels per inch (more than some smartphones) pixel density. Starting at US $199, this could very well be the best eBook reader in the market right now.