Entries in ereader (31)


Review: Octa Vaccum Dock + Whale Tail for tablets and eReaders

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The biggest problem with tablets and eBook readers is that they need to be held up. While a number of cases and docks manage to support  and angle these slates for improved hands-free viewing, there are always compromises. The Octa Vaccum dock + Whale Tail brings a whimsical twist to a smartly engineered product.

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Review: Amazon Kindle Touch 3G

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 

Amazon's Kindle Touch 3G  is selling for $189.99, goes back to basics by focusing on its greatest strengths as an eBook reader. Now with an improved E ink multi-touch screen and built-in global 3G data connectivity available in 172 countries, this is definitely the Kindle designed to take over the world. 

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Kobo celebrates Strong eBook and eReader Sales

Kobo today revealed record sales for the holiday season.  This year the Kobo eReader was a very popular gift with people around the world receiving new Kobo Touch, Kobo Vox eReader and Kobo Wifi devices, driving company sales to a record high. The good news is more people are adopting eReaders

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Amazon Finishes 2011 Strong with 4 Million eReaders sold in December

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Boston, MA: Amazon's great pricing strategy. compelling product mix and ready availability were definitely a factor in in its recent success. Roughly 1 million Kindle devices were sold each week in December for an estimated 4 million for the month. This is great news for publishers and a positive sign for eBook readers in general.

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