Entries in Facebook Protect (1)


Facebook locks out users who didn't activate Facebook Protect before deadline

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If you don't know what Facebook Protect is, the product might not be geared towards you. But then, it might have been built for you, but you missed the email announcing what it was. Early this month, some Facebook users received a mysterious spam-like email with the header: "Your account requires advanced security from Facebook Protect." The said email was sent from the email address security@facebookmail.com, which kind of looks like a common form of spam. 

That email said these users needed to turn on the Facebook Protect feature (which they could do by clicking on the link in the suspicious-looking email) by a specific date, or they'll be locked out. This feature was launched by Facebook as a "security program for groups of people that are more likely to be targeted by malicious hackers, such as human rights defenders, journalists, and government officials."

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