Entries in Facebook (371)


Facebook's Gifts leverages your connections, scopes out Amazon.com

Facebook has jumped into the Holiday spirit by offering users the opportunity to buy gifts for their friends. Facebook has been toying with the Gifts idea for some time but seems to be pushing full steam ahead this holiday season at least in the US. Hoping to take on highly successful e-tailers like Amazon.com, the new feature leverages people's connections on the social network. If it is someone's birthday or anniversary you get the option to send them a gift for real. The options vary from iTunes gift certificates to Starbucks cards to more expensive items. No indication if this will spread to Canada or the rest of the world but if it works out, we might be doing our gift shopping on Facebook next holiday season. Would you consider shopping for gifts via Facebook?


Facebook v3.3 Now Available for BlackBerry Smartphones

Here's some holiday love for loyal BlackBerry users. Facebook v3.3 for BlackBerry smartphones is now available on the BlackBerry App World storefront, making it even easier for customers to stay connected to their social and professional networks while on the go. Hit jump for all the new features.

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SourceCode: Why WhatsApp shouldn't sell to Facebook

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

iMessage is great, if you're on iOS. BBM is superb, if you use a BlackBerry smartphone. These messaging solutions keep people connected through WiFi or data networks without the high cost associated with SMS messages. WhatsApp is a cross-platform global smartphone solution that works across all major devices  and there were rumours today that Facebook was looking to buy it.

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Facebook hits 1 billion users as stock still in the doldrums

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Facebook just celebrated its 1 billionth user confirming its status as the premiere social networking destination on the Internet today. Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg made the news known through a status update on his own Facebook page stating,"Celebrating a billion people is very special to me. It's a moment to honor the people we serve."


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