Entries in Flash (12)


Adobe doubles efforts in HTML5 and Flash at Adobe MAX 2011

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Los Angeles, CA: Ending years of "HTML5 vs. Flash" as the standard for future dynamic web content, Adobe's MAX 2011 keynote today focused on both standards as having the proper tools and frameworks for developing the Web of the future.

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SourceCode Dev: Intelliware's Recipe for Success in Mobile Apps

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Toronto-based developers Intelliware Mobile Solutions have attained success developing useful applications for iOS, Android, BlackBerry and BlackBerry PlayBook. We talked to them about their recent recipe apps developed for President's Choice using Adobe's tools as well as some of the challenges and solutions they've encountered along the way.

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SourceCode Dev: How Poynt powers Local Search

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Location-based app stalwarts Poynt have created an impressive series of applications for leading tablets and smartphones that enable quick access to reviews, directions, listings.

In their own words,"Poynt helps transform the mobile device from an everyday communication tool to a powerful entertainment and utility tool." We talked with the Calgary, Alberta-based company's VP of Technology and location-based services veteran Brad Murray and Margaret Glover-Campbell, VP Marketing & Public Relations, to get a better fix on their approach to the mobile market.

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Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 now available

With a new subscription model and rent-to-own option as well as a bevy of new features Adobe's Creative Suite 5.5 is now available to the market. There is renewed focus on tools for designers and developers of smartphone and tablet applications as well as media rich solutions that can transcend platforms and screen sizes.

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