Entries in food delivery (3)


SkipTheDishes shares Canadian food order trends during COVID-19

Burgers are one of the most popular food orders in Canada (Photo by mafe studio on Unsplash)

Food delivery app SkipTheDishes recently revealed information about what COVID-19 has changed when it comes to consumer behaviour. Everything from eating routines to peak hours has shifted because of the pandemic. 

The new rush hour for orders is at 5 pm, with dinner pre-orders up and lunch pre-orders dropped by almost half. And people seem to crave food more in the late afternoons at around 3 to 4 pm. People still order in a lot on the weekends, but there's been an increase in weekday orders. There are fewer late evening orders now since a lot of Canadians are staying in.

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SkipTheDishes commits $10 million more to help Canadians during COVID-19 pandemic

Food delivery service SkipTheDishes vows to help more Canadians during the COVID-19 crisis. The company is giving an additional estimated $10 million to communities and restaurant partners through different commitments. The company initially directed over $5 million for a 30-day support package. Now, SkipTheDishes is extending the support package, which includes a rebate of 25% to assist local and independent restaurant partners whose dining rooms remain closed. The additional money will be given through direct rebates and marketing support.

The service also previously launched an option for customers to support local restaurants by directly leaving tips, with 100% of the contributions going to the restaurant of their choice. The customers managed to raise over $200,000 for neighbourhood eateries. It is with this generosity that the company launched a $1 million partnership with Food Banks Canada. SkipTheDishes immediately matched the $200,000 that the customers gave, with additional contributions to be made throughout the year to help relieve hunger during these trying times.


Foodora app and service is the Uber of restaurant delivery solutions

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We've all been there. Running out of time and hankering for a good meal in between meetings or something a bit more special to put on the dinner table when no one has time to cook or prepare a proper meal. Fast-food and deliery services are alright for certain conditions but sometimes you just want to have the food from your favourite restaurant without having to make reservations, dress up and wait to be served.

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